Working For Us

What makes a Good Shepherd Trust school unique and a place where you would want to work?
The GST Way - Our Principles

Distinctively Christian, with leadership characterised by serving others

With schools and for schools

A stronger family by sharing expertise

Collaborating for the Common Good

Strong stewardship and effective governance

What makes us an employer of choice?
  • The Trust is a fast moving and exciting place to work with every school within our Trust free to shape their individual character and curriculum

  • Our staff and all involved in the governance of the Trust, share a commitment to providing a first class education to the children within their schools and as a Trust we strive to ensure that our provision enables every child to fulfil their potential

  • Beneficial Terms & Conditions of Employment - this includes all teaching staff being paid on the London Fringe pay scale

  • Access to Teachers Pension Scheme or Local Government Pension Scheme

  • Varied CPD opportunities across phases and stages of teaching, leadership and levels of governance - this includes active use of the Apprenticeship Levy to support structured career pathways for staff in administration and classroom support roles. Our career related expectations and development opportunities for teachers and aspirant leaders can be found below Career Related Expectations and Opportunities


What is special about working within our Trust?

We recently participated in a nationwide working conditions and wellbeing survey, which benchmarked our Trust alongside other multi-academy trusts. Our Trust out-performed against other Trust's nationally in all key areas including:

How likely are you to recommend this as a place to work?

GST = 76% (extremely likely/likely) versus 63% nationally.

To what extent do you feel like part of a team with your colleagues?

GST = 75% (to a very great extent/great extent) versus 68% nationally.

How fairly treated by the leadership do you feel?

GST = 76% (very fairly/fairly) versus 66% nationally.

How family friendly are the working arrangements?

GST = 60% (completely/very family friendly) versus 40% nationally.

The Wordle below is the 'free text' responses from our employees about why they enjoy working in The Good Shepherd Trust.

Come and join the Trust family

If you believe that The Good Shepherd Trust could be the perfect fit for you or if would like further information about our Trust, please submit your interest in working for us here. Our current vacancies can be found here.

Do have a read of some of our recent testimonials.

You can join our Talent Pool here.

You can read more on becoming an inspiring new teacher in the Good Shepherd Trust by clicking on the following link - Inspiring Future Teacher
Recruitment of ex-offenders

Our policy statement on the recruitment of ex-offenders

From 28 November 2020, the filtering rules for Standard and Enhanced DBS checks changed. These changes are the result of a Supreme Court Judgment which identified that some elements of the existing filtering rules were disproportionate. Legislation has been changed, and from 28 November 2020, DBS certificates will disclose criminal records according to this new legislation.

This means that the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) will no longer disclose youth reprimands, youth warnings, or youth cautions. They will also no longer automatically disclose all convictions where an individual has more than one conviction – instead, each individual conviction will be assessed against the appropriate rules.

Further information can be found here

The flowchart below helps to explain what should be disclosed 

DBS Filtering Rules Flowchart

Candidates and employees can obtain independent advice on this matter from organisations such as Unlock and NACRO.

Equal Opportunities

The Trust is a fair employer promoting equal opportunities, which do not disadvantage any person on the grounds of a protected characteristic. It is designed to ensure that clear and transparent guidelines are provided for all working in the Trust and to ensure that the Trust complies with its legal obligations under the Equality Act (2010).