
Admission Arrangements

The Good Shepherd Trust is the Admissions Authority for all of its member academies.

The Trust covers a large geographical area, which encompasses the Diocese of Guildford, including schools in both Hampshire and Surrey Local Authorities. 

If you have an admissions enquiry, please email:

Normal Round (September) Admission Applications

The Local Authorities that we work within currently centrally co-ordinate the admissions processes for all of their schools, including academies. Therefore parents seeking a place for their child in the normal admissions round (i.e. entering Year R, 3 or 7 in September), should make an application directly to the relevant Local Authority.

Further details can be found on their respective websites:     Surrey        Hampshire

In-Year Admission Applications

Please visit the websites of our individual schools, for further details on how to make an in-year admission application.

The Trusts' in-year admissions application form
For those schools who manage their own in-year admissions - In addition to the application form, you should also provide evidence of your address. The following documents are permissible: Council Tax Bill, Signed Tenancy Agreement or Solicitor’s letter confirming completion of purchase AND one of the following – Recent Utility Bill, Benefits Statement, or Bank Statement.

If your child is new to the UK, please provide the date they arrived on the application form and attach evidence of this. If your child is a British Citizen, please attach evidence of their passport, any visas, and relevant Home Office documentation.

Application outcome:

You will be notified of the outcome of your application within 10 schools days if possible, but 15 at the latest. If your application is unsuccessful, you will be provided with the reasons for refusal and the process for making an appeal.

Please note that your child cannot be placed onto a waiting list without making an application.

2026/7 Admissions Policies.


Our Offer

The central team provide support and guidance to our schools with any admission query that they may receive.

Should the need arise to undertake a significant change, e.g. submit a in-year variation request or business case to the DfE, this is undertaken by the central team. The team also facilitate annual training and provide all required template documentation, should a school receive an admissions appeal.

Trustee Directors annually determine a 'common' Admissions Policy, which has some variation to accommodate the local circumstances of each school and nursery. If policy consultation is required, this is facilitated by the central team who liaise directly with the relevant Local Authorities and Diocese of Guildford, on behalf of all Trust schools. Guidance and all associated documentation is provided to our schools to enable consultation to take place with local stakeholders, such as parents. All consultation feedback is received and analysed during a set period of at least six weeks, by the central team. After Trustee Director review and determination, the central team provide finalised policies to all settings. This information is published on school websites by 15th March, annually.

Policies and Appeals Timetables

Please contact the individual academies for further information, including the ability to view and download all admissions policies and the appeals timetable.

Objections or Complaints

If you wish to make an objection regarding the admissions policy of one of our schools or nurseries this can be done by following this link.

If parents wish to make a complaint about an Admissions Appeal Committee decision, further information can be found here and on individual school websites.