
We are always grateful to receive comments and appreciate the time people take to let us know if there are things we could do better, or if there are things that we are doing right. Here is a selection of some of the feedback that we have received about our practice recently:


During the pandemic, governors have focused particularly on how well English and mathematics is being delivered. Governors understand the strengths of the school. They work closely with leaders to provide the support and challenge needed to improve the school further and enable leaders to work in partnership with schools across the education trust. All staff are proud to work as members of both the school and the education trust, because everyone supports one another and works as a team. They say that leaders consider their well-being.

St John's Ofsted Report November/December 2021


Leaders are highly ambitious for all staff and pupils at Potters Gate. They have given careful thought to the curriculum and how well it prepares pupils for the future. Leaders have identified the knowledge and skills pupils should learn in each year group. They have carefully planned each subject so that learning builds from Reception Year to Year 6. This means that pupils get better at each subject and become more knowledgeable as they move through the school. As a result, they develop a detailed knowledge and understanding of a range of topics, themes and concepts.

Potters Gate Ofsted Report November 2021


The Trust is supporting leaders to improve the quality of education and outcomes for all pupils. A comprehensive training programme to develop subject leaders’ and staff’s subject knowledge is in place...the arrangements for safeguarding are effective and a strength of the school.

Farnborough Grange Ofsted Report November 2021


The Trust DSL conducted a safeguarding training session for the local committee at X school this morning. I am delighted to report that it was the best safeguarding training session that I have ever experienced. Her performance was excellent – mastery of subject, audience interaction, communications skills etc. It was probably the best piece of training in an education context that I have been through.

Feedback from local committee chair following training October 2021


Thank you for that training session this evening. A challenging subject area but so important for us all to have a good, and consistent understanding to ensure we maintain the very highest standards in X. The training was detailed but in a really practical and understandable way.

Feedback from local committee chair following training July 2021


A great opportunity to recalibrate and align everyone. A really welcome space to breathe and reflect at the end of a hectic year. Great space for team building, networking and developing further links between schools for the children's benefit and our own as leaders.

Feedback following Head Teachers Conference June 2021


Trust leaders have taken action to strengthen leadership capacity at the school. They have seconded an assistant headteacher from another trust school. This has enabled school leaders with improving the curriculum and building on improvements already made to teaching. Leaders and staff benefit from and make good use of the training and support from the trust’s local hub schools. Staff have received support from the hub to equip them with the knowledge they need to put into practice the school’s new writing curriculum.

The Weald HMI Monitoring Report May 2021


Guidance is always willingly given and easily accessible, whether an issue is big or small. The DSL network meetings are very effective and the notes after the meeting are constructive and allow all DSLs to access the same information....The DSL network, training and guidance that the Trust DSL provides is outstanding and has had a hugely positive impact on the safeguarding at X school. Joining the supervision pilot has also been helpful...We have always been extremely well supported with safeguarding guidance, information, updates and 1-1 support with emerging issues...I am always able to contact the Trust DSL with any queries or concerns, or anything which requires further clarification, and I receive responses almost immediately, which then supports my team and me in continuing to develop the culture of safeguarding at X school.

Extracts from Trust DSL Safeguarding and Wellbeing Survey June 2021


Membership of the MAT enables them to participate in a wide range of training courses for all staff. Members of the school are receiving support, as well as supporting other schools within the Trust. This provides opportunities for senior leaders to develop their own Church school leadership skills​. The RE leader works effectively in developing the planning of this subject. She attends training run by the diocese and the MAT​.

Waverley Abbey SIAMS Report February 2020


The safer recruitment training that I attended was excellent and amongst some of the best training that I have ever received. Clear, practical, relevant and supportive.

Feedback from central training provided January 2020


I've very much appreciated both your (Director of Education) professional and personal support this year, it's meant a lot to me.

Headteacher December 2019


Strong leadership ensures that St Andrew's still provides a good quality of education.

St Andrew's Ofsted Report November 2019


Trust membership is having a constructive influence on its life and viability. The school shares senior leadership and governance with a nearby Trust school. This provides strong strategic leadership and a stable and sustainable platform for development. St Andrew’s is an official feeder school for its associated primary school... There is now a waiting list for Reception pupils, reversing a steep decline in applications for places...Senior leaders, the Trust and the local governing committee ensure ongoing monitoring and evaluation which leads to well-focused development planning.

St Andrew's SIAMS Report July 2019


Support from the MAT ensures the school continues to make good progress in all areas.

St Mark and All Saints SIAMS Report July 2019


Senior and middle leadership has been reorganised so that all are clear on their individual roles and responsibilities. Leaders are being supported effectively in their new roles, including through training and mentoring provided by the Trust.

Christ's College Ofsted Report June 2019


Fabulous conference and have taken lots from it. Lovely to have our wellbeing at the forefront and lots of time to talk and share. A lovely sense of being valued and listened to. Strong sense/atmosphere of commonality, trust, shared purpose and openness. Lots of opportunities to build relationships and friendships. A great opportunity to see the Trust vision and be part of the way the Trust is moving forward. Very interesting and inspiring work on the curriculum. I have found the two days incredibly useful. I have come away with lots of ideas for moving my school forwards and have a greater understanding of the Trust and the schools within it.

Evaluation form responses from School Leaders Residential May 2019


Parents recognise that leadership and management has improved since the last inspection. Meetings between parents, school leaders and trust representatives have been well received by parents. Some parents appreciate having the opportunity to discuss their concerns with leaders and trust members. For example, parents told me that in the ‘parents’ forum’ they have been able to make suggestions regarding school improvements and have been listened to by leaders.

The Weald HMI Monitoring Report May 2019


The Trust believe passionately about developing staff at all levels and with the help of a Leadership Coach and officers, I have been able to navigate through tricky situations we all find ourselves in as Headteachers and find solutions that benefit all our children. This has been invaluable to my development as a leader.

Officers like to have regular contact with leaders to guide and understand each school so it is a shared approach for school improvement and the quest for excellence. They also recognise strengths in individuals and encourage leaders to grow and experience new changes with the faith and encouragement they need to take on those new steps.

I would highly recommend working for the Trust as it continues to grow, shaping the lives for its children and staff.

Executive Headteacher, May 2019


The MAT also monitors pupils’ progress and the work of the governing body closely. This contributes to the school’s identification of priorities for improvement and focuses the support that the MAT provides. The MAT has made a significant contribution towards improving the impact of leadership and governance.

St Mary's Ofsted Report February 2019


Acting with energy and decisiveness, he [the new CEO] has refreshed the Christian vision of the Trust and has introduced a range of well-received policies and practices. He has overseen the creation of a well-focused and ambitious strategic plan. Particularly noteworthy is the focus on collaboration between schools and arrangements for school-to-school support.

School leaders welcome the clarity of the Trust’s overarching strategy for improving provision and outcomes for pupils.

A key feature of the Trust’s approach to school improvement is the emphasis on collaboration and school-to-school support.

Middle leaders speak with enthusiasm about the renewed sense of energy and direction within the Trust. They welcome the focus on school-to-school support and embrace the leadership development opportunities that arise from it.

The Trust has made a significant financial and time commitment to developing a common language for curriculum, teaching and assessment. The majority of schools have embraced these developments and believe they will improve standards in their schools. Staff described these new developments as a ‘breath of fresh air’.

HMI Pilot MAT Review September 2018

Our Principles

We work to harness the collective talent, wisdom, knowledge and skills of everyone to empower and sustain education in our local communities. Our Trust therefore works to the following principles:

Distinctively Christian

By Schools, for Schools

Practitioner Led

For the Common Good

In the Way of the Good Shepherd